30 November 2016

I used to feel I had to be this big personality to have a big impact on the world.......  Over the past year, I have been on a roller coaster of thought on what to do after the Navy.  What I have found out is the less I think about it, the happier I become. (maybe the word joyful is more appropriate here)   Thinking about "to-do" for the future cause me lots of anxiety and stress, but connecting with my Soul during this time makes me feel calm, confident, and cozy inside. 

I feel my job doesn't need to be some massive impact, and to think of that really stresses me out. What I have come to realize is the BIG IMPACT comes from who I being on a daily basis.  How much I can heal &find comfort in my own mind, body, & soul?  Only when I find healing within my own heart and in my own life can I truly impact another human being in a truly authentic way.


January 2017


Philippines May 2016