I have alot to learn

It's the end of my "school" day, and I am on the ferry back to where I live.  This morning, I went to the 10am yoga class and had an interesting experience.  Let me first start off by saying what I have come to understand about life and that is "What we think about is what we create."  Today, I was a little frazzled as I left my home because I am still trying to keep it pristine and "not lived in" looking for the people who are probable buyers. (this should be the last day of that)  My mind has been all over the place lately, and when we do not have peace in our mind, we definitely will not have peace in our "world." (aka: daily interations) This was so clear for me to see today in yoga.  For some reason I was irritated at the teacher.  She didn't do anything wrong, but because I wasn't at peace within myself I created all the F*cked up stories in my head of why I didn't like her teaching.  All of this has nothing to do with this lovely lady and her teaching skills and everything to do with the yoga lesson that I needed more than stretching my hamstrings.  Everything in life is a mirror of us - what we face in life is a lesson we truly are needing to face within ourselves.  Today, I didn't like the fact the teacher wasn't "sweet & kind"  and all she did was give aggressive adjustments to all of the students in the class.  What was my lesson in this?  

#1     No one is here on Earth to make me happy, happiness is an inside job.

#2    I had to reflect on how aggressive I have been to others in relationships, my work, or in general in my life and realize this is a part that I don't like about myself and it is clear because I am seeing it mirrored in my experience with this teacher today.

#3     When things don't go the way we want them to, it is easy to quit and/or walk out the door.  (I felt like leaving during class today)  However, when we quit on something we want to do when the going gets tough, we don't really work through the lesson of that challenge.  Lucky me, I stayed in class to the end and made peace with myself and forgive myself for feeling this way.

#4     The more busy your life gets, the more time you should take to get quiet and care for yourself.  Only YOU can heal your mind, body, and soul. 

#5    Every interaction in life is a teacher.  We can continue to point fingers and blame others for situations, or our unhappiness or discomfort or we can say "What lesson am I to learn from this  experience?"

Today's yoga class taught me a lot, the big thing I learned is; I need to slow down even more than I have since getting out of the Navy.  I slow down and then I stir right back up to full speed doing things in life.  Even though I went into nature this weekend, I didn't take enough time for true inner silence and peace.  I filled my days with adventures, hiking, and conversation where I could have used a lot more quiet time for my heart and soul.  Everyday is a learning lesson to be grateful for, but if we don't slow down, get quiet and reflect on our life, it will pass us by in the blink of an eye.  Even though we get frustrated, tired, and feel misunderstood sometimes it is a blessing to be able to have a  rough experience, learn from it and call it a good day in Earth school.  I know I have lots to learn and I am willing to see the lessons, be humble enough to know when I am wrong in my actions or thoughts, and I am willing to make the changes necessary to make myself better.



