Celebrate Your Life
I was so lucky to be able to attend the Celebrate Your Life event this past weekend. I found out about it mid July when I was making my plans to attend a couple of Hay House events later this year. I was looking for meditations to use on Dr. Joe Dispenza's website and found out that he would be at this event. I have been following Dr. Joe's work for a couple of years and until this weekend I had never done his specific meditations that I have been reading and studying about. You can imagine, this weekend was a total blissful experience for me. Some people love celebrities and I love scientist and change makers on the healing stage. This event was life changing for me.
The venue was sold out of rooms, but that didn't bother me one bit. I had planned on taking my camper and making this weekend retreat a camping event for myself. The event was at Skamania Lodge in Stevenson, WA. This little town was way smaller than where I grew up in Tennessee. It was located right along the Columbia River that separates the two states Oregon and Washington. It took me longer to get there than I had planned because I was in rush hour traffic pretty much the entire time I was on I-5. I didn't need much in my camper because the food was provided and I hung my outfits for the weekend in the back of my car. I love having the ability to pull around where I am going to sleep. This ability makes me so excited for the next couple of years. I look forward to having the freedom to travel around to different things and have my comforts with me without crazy hotel prices. I was off line all weekend and have a lot to share about my experience in the next few weeks of blogs. I got the meditations I was looking for on Amazon in MP3 format, but I also ordered the CD's if there are days that I want to not turn on my phone or if I ever want to share them with someone. I also found some of Dr. Joe's meditations on YouTube. If you are curious about how life change is in the palm of your hand, I would recommend finding some of Dr. Joe Dispenza's talks on YouTube. He was hit by a car years ago and the doctors that were working on him told him that we would never walk again. He told the doctors, "thanks, but no thanks!" and kept hearing a voice from within that said "the body that created itself can heal itself" He started to do the work that he teaches today and he is healthier and more vibrant than he was before his accident. He travels all over the world facilitating miraculous and fascinating moments of normal people doing extraordinary things to themselves. His book "Becoming Supernatural" explains his findings around the world and his book "Breaking the Habit of Being Yourself" explains the how and why of the whole process.
The power of change and the power of our entire life is in our control, we are in the drivers seat. I want to also continue to do the work Dr. Joe has devoted his life to and I want to devote my life to continuing to empower people to know they have the power within themselves to heal and I want to share the ways in which this is possible.