One Step at a Time
Change is happening always, somedays it makes me feel confused and lost and other days I feel excitement and hope. Today, I feel very hopeful and this feeling is following months/years of feeling so lost. I was introduced to an amazing company in 2015, it is practically my secret to my cellular health and youthful energy, however, what I didn’t realize at the time was that was the start of my roller coaster ride to my future. I have loved studying business (not in a school) but in life. When I was a young girl, I did so many odd jobs to make money and afford the things I wanted to purchase after the age of 15. I would do work like clean other peoples houses, work on farms, and I would even pick up peoples vehicles to do a complete detail (inside and out) and drive the vehicle back to the owner. I also had a couple of jobs in high school that were not of my own creation - I worked for a landscape company in the summer and at a gas station during the winter/school months. I was only 16 years old for practically one year of school. I graduated not long after turning 17 and immediately moved out of my home town to a college city to live with two of my girlfriends and continue to learn about life away from parents and the rules we are placed under. During that short time before entering the navy I worked at Center Hill Lake Marina doing boat reservation and rentals in the summer and security guard/dock wench operator in the fall prior to entering the navy. The month or two before going to boot camp, I moved back in with mom and dad before flying in my first airplane to Great Lakes for boot camp.
Sometimes in our life, things don’t make sense and we feel like we are struggling or suffering on our own, however, I feel that we are supported every step of the way by spirit. I feel I have been guided since a young age to take a stand for what I want in the midst of challenges and set backs. All of the things in life had led me to this current place I am at the moment and I am finally living in the moment (or as close to it as I feel I have ever been) When I was younger and in the Navy - I was always looking forward to something, the next best thing to come along. As time progressed, I continued to look forward to getting out of the Navy and thinking that my life would be better when I was out. Then, next thing you know, I am out of the navy and I am a hot wreck of emotions feeling lost, however, I have continued this entire year thus far to take each day as it comes and as Oprah says “do the next right thing.”
I don’t know what my future holds, but I am learning very fast that I do not want to rush through the rest of my life the way I did when I was younger. I felt when I was young that I just wanted to be out on my own, able to make decisions for myself. Well, that is not easy especailly in your 20’s when you think you know it all but you don’t know anything. However, I am slowly learning to be more and more humble and grateful each day. Right now, I am learning the ABC’s of creation. I am learning how to create the life and the business that I want to live - ONE MISTAKE AT A TIME. Or as Rachel Hollis teaches, one failure stacked on top of another. I am so good at making mistakes, and I keep getting better and better at it.
My yoga teachers John and Chris Yax say that success in life or anything is: First you Suck, next you suck less, and then you get better. I love this teaching, it gives me so much hope because now that so many people are being honest about what it really takes to find success, it isn’t such a mystical thing that is reserved for just a small percent of people in the world. You, me & everyone else has the ability to find success (whatever that means for the individual) however, starting and taking action are the key ingredients. This week, I have taken more action than I ever anticipated in taking and I feel so hopeful that I am making the decisions that are going to propel me to the next step, and the next steps. I taken new action this week that was scary and I faced my fears and did it despite the fear and it went so much better than I anticipated. What I learned is that our fear is self induced, it is projecting feelings on a situation that are not real, but made up stories in our head that we tell ourselves. This could be based on the self-doubt or insecurities that we have, but no human is exempt from fear. What I realize is that people who are successful in their endeavors are those who feel the fear and do it anyway.
Since 2015, when I was first introduced to the bio-hacking company that changed my life, I have been dreaming of owning my own business that helps people understand more about themselves through their body, their heart, and their mind. Today, I can happily say that I am slowly taking the steps needed to continue to make that dream come true. I have months of doubt and many days of feeling lost and confused, but I can say that with my patience and living one day at a time it is all slowly starting to uncover itself as my vision for the future.
If you feel lost or maybe hopeful for something that you dream of - DONT GIVE UP. Continue to first start to work on making yourself feel better. I have found that feeling good in your body and being aware of your body are the first steps to getting in touch with yourself and your heart. Once we can get in touch with our body and our emotions, then the mind can function more clearly. My wish for myself and you is that we can continue to feel great to live great and live more from our heart and less from our mind.