Tons of Alone Time
While spending almost two weeks completely solo in Wyoming, I realized so many things about my life. Alone time, when one is not used to it can be very challenging, however, when we can stick with it -detach from the outer world of distractions - we can gain valuable clarity about ourselves. There are many moments when I wanted to go to a place of sadness, many moments of joy, many moments of internal shit talking myself, many moments of peace and all the while I stayed with the process of unfolding. I took time to relax, and take naps and many days of not doing a lot externally I noticed the internal dialogue of telling myself that I was being lazy and that I was good for nothing for wasting my time. I did my best to be kind to myself after the internal shit talking and would remind myself that the feelings of needing to “accomplish” things or prove something is the exact programing I am here to 1st become aware of and 2nd acknowledge and shift. The challenge to surrender and be with myself wasn’t easy - I struggled on each and every day as I was surrounded by the beauty of nature. I wrote intensely in my journal and talked to myself more than ever, but it was necessary. The best thing I finally did toward the last week of the alone time was taking a break from posting on social media. The last day I posted anything was about 10 days ago - this has helped me tremendously put the focus back inside where it needs to be. I have become addicted to checking social media and was spending way to much of my energy on it. I have since then felt less anxious and been more happy to read books, I have gotten my homework and school assignments turned in ahead of time, and many other benefits such as not using my phone right before bed or when I wake up. I have a lot of work ahead of me on improving my life, however, my alone time in the woods was a great self reflection time - cell phone free for the second week and it was pretty life changing. I am continuing to uncover belief patterns that are buried deep inside - I can only release these things when I become aware of them. I know when my mind becomes better, my health and my well being will follow.
I am not saying that everyone should run out and spend two weeks alone in a new world, that may be too much. I do want to share the gifts that I received from doing it which are, clarity, peace of mind, and more self confidence. If alone time sounds scary - then we can start by getting off of social media for a few days at a time. I have noticed that I am less judgemental of myself when I am not comparing my life and my journey to things online. Every person is unique an if we are comparing ourselves to other peoples journey’s it is easy to get caught up in the feelings of “I am not doing a good job at life” “look at them, I should be doing more” because to be honest, every person will have a different story for their life. It is not fair for us to compare ourselves to others. If you are reading this, remember - Your life is special - You have unique talents - You are here for a very important purpose - Only you will truly know the gift of your life. Don’t compare your life to others, because your talents and gifts are too special for that.