While watching my evening "study" video of my Hay House Online courses, the filmmaker & New York Times best selling author Nick Ortner is giving a lecture.  You may or may not have heard of Nick, he is the author of "The Tapping Solution"  Tapping is emotional freedom technique (EFT) - a technique that applies ancient Chinese acupressure and modern psychology.  It's simple name tapping comes from what you are actually doing to yourself which is literally tapping on end points of meridians of our bodies while saying certain statements.  It has been proven that everything from pain relief to financial issues to weight loss issues and even limiting beliefs about ourselves that tapping has been proven to be extraordinarily effective for all of these.

I, myself, have not experienced tapping yet.  However, I am getting the message loud and clear from the universe right now.  What does that mean?  I am a firm believer that everything that happens during our days on this planet is a lesson, a teacher.  Each conversation has something to offer us and a lesson or guidance to take away and put into action.  Sometimes we can be unaware of all of the guidance and support that is being given to us or simply ignore the messages.  

When I was in Mexico earlier this year, I met a woman who was a Reiki (energy healing) Master and had traveled the globe as a healer and seeker.  The one thing she wanted to do with me was EFT.  At the time, I didn't want to hear it, I really wanted to be touched and wanted to experience some energy healing.  However, I knew the EFT was something I was supposed to learn about because she had been so passionate about it.  This all came back to me just now as I was watching Nick's lecture.  The cool thing is he is about to lead us in some tapping on ourselves.  Even though, I am extremely sleepy right now (8:30pm)  I am going to at least do one tapping session with him before sleep time.  My heart is open, I am tuned in to the signs of the universe and I am turned on to saying yes to things that feel good.  Maybe tapping is going to open up some doors that have been closed for me, who knows.  What I do know, is it doesn't matter how much we know, it only matters what we take action on.  I can watch all of the videos or read all of the books I want to, the only time things change in our life is when we take action.

If you want to check out more about Tapping, you can watch the documentary Nick created called "The Tapping Solution" (on YouTube)  I feel that YouTube is the best resource for free.  You can go to The Tapping Solution YouTube page and check out tons of videos about the process.


White River


Turn, Turn, Turn