Daily Blessings

I feel like the luckiest person in the world.   Yesterday, while I was attending school I had the most beautiful interactions with some new students.  Since I was making up some hours from my first term, I got to be in class with a new semester of students.  These people melted my heart like butter on a hot cast iron skillet.  I could ramble on about how each one of them are special, but I want to keep this short and comment on the girl that I was lucky enough to sit next to in class.  She is originally from Ethiopia and has lived in the city of Seattle for four years.  I asked her some questions about her family and I could feel how much she misses her home and family.  She also has two out the other five siblings who live in England.  I am always so impressed by the courage of those who choose to take a leap and travel and live in another country.  I feel that many Americans don't honor these folks and harbor to much judgement.  Also, I feel that most of the Americans that don't want people from other countries to live here have never really had a chance to get to know anyone from another country.  We can not begin to walk a mile in another person shoes and yes, many folks may have come here illegally, but we are all cut from the same cloth and caring the Divine light (God's light) inside of us.  If we can begin to have compassion for all humans, the world will immediately continue to evolve for the better.  

Speaking of living in other countries, this has been something I have been craving to experience again in my life.  When I was 19 I moved to Italy for my second duty station.  I really loved it even though back then I was hot mess and was drunk most of the time I lived there.  I am craving the experience to live and work in another country.  This next time I do this, I wouldn't be working for the US Government, I would work in the local community and I am certain that would offer a completely new experience.   As an American, it is easy to have a tourist VISA in pretty much any country we want that last for 90 days, however, if we want to work in another country (legally) there are more stricter policies in many countries.  

It seems that Ireland and New Zealand are the top on the list of easy to get work VISA, followed by Costa Rica, Singapore, Canada, The island Svalbard of Norway, and lastly Spain.  I think that all of those countries sound interesting to spend time in except Canada (sorry Canada, you are just too close to home)  Even as I set off on my new adventure today of living full time in my camper trailer, I am always thinking about 10 steps ahead to what I may want to experience in the future.  This life that we are living is so precious, each day we have many choices to make.  For 20 years, I worked in an environment where my daily regimen was laid out and I had specific task to do and specific goals to accomplish.  I feel so lucky to be free now and be able to use my energy to create new experiences.   What separates human beings from the animal kingdom is our ability to choose what we want and evolve as little or as much as we want.  A squirrel will always be a squirrel and an acorn will only become squirrel food or a beautiful tree one day.  We as humans have the gift of free will of choice each and every day.  We have the ability to read and study anything we so desire and thank goodness we are currently living in a time where we can access any information we so desire.  

My reason for starting this blog was to put myself in the habit of writing on a daily basis.   I created this blog not really as much to share my world with others, but I created it for me to build a habit.  Our lives are just a big collection of habits that we create over time.  To create new habits work is required on our part.  A big reason I am choosing to live in my trailer is to make space and time for creating many more new habits.  While owning my homes in my life has been great, they also bring a whole list of to-do items and my home was keeping me separated from the outside world.  I noticed I was way to comfortable not going out to take a hike or go on an adventure because I was more interested in staying home and watching videos online.    This isn't a horrible thing, however, I don't plan on living in Washington for the rest of my life and I didn't want to look back and regret not being out in this beautiful playground called nature that was put here for us to enjoy 100%.

I am so grateful that this blog habit is making me more confident in my ability to write each day.  I am so grateful that my decision to attend school this year has humbled my ego and opened my heart more than I ever imagined.  I am so grateful for my health and the ability to hit the road and try something new and have new adventures and of course the struggles that go along with any adventure in life.  I am setting an intention to embrace the new struggles that will come along with my new lifestyle. 




Berries Galore!