Berries Galore!

One of my favorite things about this time of year is the abundance of berries everywhere you turn in my neighborhood and surrounding areas!  Every day that I am on my bike, I stop for a tasty roadside snack of as many blackberries as I can handle.  You may have been informed by the news about the smoke coverage in Seattle and surrounding areas from the fires in Canada as well as a few smaller fires here in our area.  The struggle is real and it has brought a very real appreciation to me of the simple things that I can take for granted sometimes like clean air to breathe as well as clean water to drink.

Updating on my transition in life:  this previous weekend I was happy to accomplish more discarding - nothing crazy, but I did let go of a couple of heaters that I didn't want to continue to drag around the globe (one I had owned since 2010 when I moved to the frigid coast of San Diego)  I recall how cold I felt San Diego was after moving from living in Hawaii for 6 years and I giggle, because now after living even further north San Diego is a tropical zone in my mind.  (just kidding) On Sunday I had the best day because I got to give my outdoor plants that I have admired since I started growing them to my best friend Christine.  She was super excited to take them to her home and give them a loving place to live.  Any day that I can spend with her and her family is a great day.  Tomorrow is Thursday and the movers are coming!  I am very excited to check this off the list of things to do.  To be completely honest, I have been preparing for a move since late 2017, but I didn't really know when or where I was moving, but I knew I wanted to fly.  I can't think of a better place to call home than "home" Tennessee where I was born and raised.   I am really excited to make my way back there sometime next year and hang out with my family and get to know them better and hopefully help out in any way I can to show my appreciation of all of the years of support they have shown me.

Things in life are flowing really well, I am itching for an adventure because I haven't camped (except for a parking lot) in MONTHS it feels like.  I think that late June or first week of July was the last time I camped and that is just too long.  Oh well, I will have my fill of nature before I know it.  I am doing my best to write all of the inspiring things that are coming to me right now, I am thankful that this newfound connection to nature will continue to inspire me.  It is already happening and I have a cool thing to share about that.

Back in 2015 I had my very first visit to a "Medium" and had a card read during that session.  Not only did she "see" the move (at the time, I had not planned on moving, but weeks later I took surprise orders to the west coast)  Along with "seeing" that, she also said "you will be so inspired by the nature wherever it is that you are moving to"   I also didn't think anything about that, however, look at me now!  That is all the time I have for now, but it is pretty amazing how life unfolds. 


Daily Blessings


1st - Chicken or the Egg?