Conversations have come up lately with friends of mine about the ability to interact in the dream state. I have lots of learning to do, however, last night as I was preparing for sleep, I had my journal next to my head and set the intention to recall my dreams. Well, this morning when I woke I felt as if I was truly in my experiences in my dreams and it took me a little bit of time to come out of that place as I was waking up. After I took a walk to get a coffee, I came back and wrote down what I remembered about my dream.
This just goes to reaffirm my belief as well as what one of my teacher continues to tell us every class - intention is the key to the universe. Our intention is everything. I want to continue to use my intentions wisely and be more mindful of my thought process behind what I am doing in life and why I am doing what I am doing.
Our intention is our gift as a human being, we are so powerful in being able to manipulate energy by our thoughts and our intention. If I can continue to harness this skill, life will change. My goal is to continue to grow this skill for myself and teach and inspire others to uncover their own power and use it to benefit their life and all of humanity.