How To Accept Others Without Compromising Yourself
I found this useful information in one of my many notebooks of self study, I thought others may benefit from this useful information.
You can not help someone who is not taking responsibility for helping himself. Maybe this person is so used to getting your help they can’t see to help themselves or they take your help for granted.
Sometimes, doing NOTHING is helping. Honor your boundaries. Sometimes, saying no ensures they are taking control for their own life.
Helping someone doesn’t mean fixing them. People are in their situation to learn spiritual or life lessons. You can not change their process - they are in the right place at the right time.
You can help by accepting them as they arena were they are.
Don’t be attached to the outcome of your helping. What’s good for them may not be what you expect, trust they are on the right path for the lessons they need.
Send loving and compassionate intention - Thoughts have energy.
Other people are often mirror for our own growth (I will make a totally different post about mirrors another day) Wanting to heal others is a way of being aware of what we want to heal in ourselves.
By being lovely compassionate and accepting of OURSELVES and our BOUNDARIES, we can not only help others, but we can also help ourselves.
*** The quality of your life is determined by who you are, not what you accomplish. After all, we are human beings not human doings. -Dr. Wayne Dyer