Stillness & Nature
I just read the best update email from my astrologer and it resonates with what I have been feeling. I don’t watch the news or television much at all, however, when I do see it on somewhere, I see the darkness that is being exposed. I guess somewhere deep down in my soul, I have always known that television was a destructive tool of control. When I was away at Dr. Joe Dispenza’s week long retreat we learned even more about how people are basically put in a trance when they watch television and this makes them believe what they hear not only on the new, but also in commercials and marketing.
I find this all fascinating to learn (the science) and Dr. Joe basically teaches a formula of how to create a better future and then how to use the same. Since returning from the retreat I have been doing my meditations each night before I go to bed to help reprogram my energy centers for healing and I am really loving the way I feel. I don’t know about you, but my sleep lately (the past week or so) has been a little restless and toss/turn. I have been meditating before sleep so I can’t imagine how sleep has been for folks that don’t know how to “wind down” from all of the stimulus of TV, cell phone, and internet that is in our world these days.
We are shifting into a world that will never be the same as it was in the past and this makes me so happy. I am being very drawn to simpler way of living that is more connected to the earth by using solar power and learning to catch rain water and grow food to consume. I am looking forward to being more and more connected to nature on the Big Island and bring that education with me wherever the wind blows me next. Also, I love that the main principle of the place I am going is meditation. Meditation is the foundational practice of the community that i will be living in. It creates more self awareness, less anger, less frustration, less tendency to be brainwashed because when you are more self aware - you are more understanding of what you truly desire or not as well as things that don’t feel good.
I am in the phase right now of uncovering many things that don’t feel good, as well as being open to things that make me happy and feel good. It is a lifelong process and I feel that change is the only constant in life. Change makes the world go round and anyone that tries really hard to resist change may be feeling yucky as we continue to move from old energy to new energy. Change can be really uncomfortable at first or maybe it is a welcomed feeling. As we continue to roll into new energy on the planet the journey will be more understandable if we can be connected to nature and if we can learn to be still.