I Continue.....to Evolve
A lot has happened since the last time I wrote and my personal evolution is on high speed these days. The unfolding of my life is happening at a fast pace, lessons are learned quicker, things are more clear and I feel that I am continuing to let go of the “old” idea of who I was and stepping into who I really am. Last post was written from Maui and it was a lovely trip. However, returning back to the woods, running off to school for a couple of days and then hoping on another plane to Vegas for another trip really taught me something important. NO!! No to going 100 mph anymore, No to overbooking myself, and No to loosing my rest for the indulgence of “doing” more things. I need to continue to acknowledge how important rest, recovery, self care, and my yoga practice are for my mind, body, and spirit.
I lasted about twenty four hours in Las Vegas before I was back at the airport getting a plane to put me back in the fresh air and quiet space that I call home for now. I felt horrible when I was in Vegas and I could have totally stayed as I had already paid for my trip, the conference, and the original flight schedule. However, my well being took priority over the idea of the money it cost to do all of that. As soon as I arrived back in Washington, stepped outside the airport and took a deep breath of fresh moist air, I felt alive again. The dry desert air dosen’t feel good for me. I have always struggled in places like Denver, San Diego, and Las Vegas. The ocean breeze or places with humidity make me feel the best. This is lovely piece of awareness for my life.
Planet Earth is going through some miraculous energy right now. It is easy for anyone to look outside themselves and have an opinion that the world is going downhill fast. However, if you can look inside yourself, you could realize that a lot of energy is here for your own self-realization. It is a SIMPLE but not EASY choice you have to make to determine how you look at the world. Albert Einstein stated “The most important decision you will ever make in your life is Do I live in a supportive and loving universe? or Do I live in a violent and aggressive universe?” As for myself, I have always felt that I live in a loving and supportive world. This has always helped me look at the solution for things in life or the silver lining in situations instead of complaining about what is wrong or worrying about things I have no control over.
I will close today with a little wisdom; choose to look inside yourself when you are bothered by anything in your world. This could be a family member, a friend, a driver on the road, a person you may see in a video or on the television. What about them bothers you? Get clear on what you are offended by or bothered by and ask yourself this question: What lesson can I learn about myself in this situation.
YOUR WORLD IS A MIRROR for you to LEARN FROM. Life isn’t here to hinder you, life is happening for you and for your evolution. Everything you see is a mirror reflecting a lesson you are here to learn, overcome, and evolve with. Nothing is here to harm you or piss you off. It is all here for your GROWTH. This information and realization has changed my life. I am able to see the deep lessons and understand my life more clearly. I am so grateful for this and I will continue to study it so I can help others to ease their suffering by being a victim or finger pointer. I may share the five different types of mirrors that I learned from one of my favorite scientist in a future post, but for now just ask yourself the simple question: What can I learn from this person, thing, or event that I am “bothered” by. Enjoy the lessons and evolution this simple tool brings to you!!