Try New Things

I just arrived at school today for my massage clinic shift.  I really look forward to these days, because I get to massage new people that I have not met before and get more practice working with their bodies and their energy.  Even though my school doesn’t teach energy work, it is just a matter of fact that we are all energetic beings and we can not be in a space together without exchanging energy unless the client has a wall (aka bubble) intentionally set up - and if they did, they probably wouldn’t be receiving a massage from a student in the first place.

When I arrived on my bike to school I had a thought I wanted to share, try something new!   I didn’t start riding a bike as an adult until I was in my late 20’s.  I couldn’t imagine my life without a bicycle in it now, it is literally one of my favorite things to do.  Had a not went out on a limb in my late 20’s and tried to learn how to ride a bike, I would have seriously missed out on many amazing days in my life.  I would have missed out on great friendships that have been made by riding my bike as well as the confidence, courage, playfulness, exercise, and adventure that comes from riding a bike.

I am making this short today - I want be nice and centered for my massage clients.  I had to share this little bit of wisdom with anyone that may read this.

TRY NEW THINGS - don’t worry if you suck at it.  Don’t worry about what other people will think - who cares!!  Your life is meant to be lived and to live is to have new experiences and feel joy and excitement.  Do you ever feel joy and excitement when you are around children?  The reason you may feel this way is because they are always trying new things and nothing - I mean nothing will stand in their way (except their overbearing & fearful parents) of that child trying something new.  We can easily loose this wonder as we grow up into adulthood and be afraid of things because it is unknown, however, I don’t want to grow older and look back and say “I wish I wousl have tried that.”  I hope that you have a lovely day and weekend.  Try something new and see how it makes you feel.

PS:  I am scared of new things just like the next person, it is intimidating.  However, after you try a new thing (maybe once, twice, or more times) your confidence in yourself can grow and helps you remember the sky is the limit in life.  



Ch, Ch, Ch Changes..........


Seasons Change