Winter Already?

Just kidding, however, it is 60 degrees this morning and misting rain here in the good ole state of Washington.  I am not really complaining, however, it has got me nervous about the wet winter ahead.  I know for a fact that I will grow some strength this winter dealing with the elements.  Yesterday was a long and productive day.  I am almost finished making up hours at school from when I missed classes back in May when I took a week long trip to Mexico and after I returned, I missed another week due to the sad and unexpected death of my Granny.  It is hard to believe that when I go home next that all of my grandparents will be with me, not in the human form, but they are all with me on a regular basis in spirit that is for sure.  I hope to live the rest of my life making them proud of me and not in the ways that I felt would have made them proud in the past (such as achieving things & being money successful)  I hope to make them proud by becoming more loving toward myself - first and foremost. I had some thoughts will preparing for sleep last night ( before 9pm)  and my roommate and I had a discussion about people being very angry these days.  I have my own opinion that people are really starved for love and acceptance of themselves, and in turn lash out at others because of the pain they hold inside.  When we grow up, we adapt lots of shame and guilt over the things that happen in our lives.  What I have learned in my own experience is learning to forgive myself for the things I have done is the hardest thing, but very important in the self love area.

Today is a shorter day at school for me, then I get to receive a massage this afternoon with my favorite therapist.  I always leave her office feeling like a weight has been lifted out of my body tissues and I am silent for the hour and a half.  It is on her table that I actually got the beautiful guidance to sell my home.  Tonight, my roommate and I are sitting the damn gas grill that I never wanted in the first place, out on the curb for some person to pick it up and give it a great home.  I knew that I never really needed or even wanted a gas grill, however, my ex claimed that it was necessary to have.  Whatever, now it is just another thing that I am responsible for discarding from my home and just thinking about a little silly thing like that makes me happy to be selling my home.  There are seasons for everything and nothing in life needs to be permanent or forever, sometimes we grow out of things, sometimes we don't use things or need them anymore and it is ok to sit them on the curb for someone else.  This weekend is the last opportunity for anyone that wants anything from my home to come pick it up, because on Sunday night, things are going in the garbage.   I do not want to take items to Tennessee that are not necessary and that I will not use.  I see lots of travel in my near future for some reason, but honestly who knows.  I am hoping the sun will come out later today, because I am not ready for winter just yet.


SUV Tent

