My Current State....

Man oh Man…..  the beauty surrounds us in nature every minute of each day.  Currently, the colors here are so profound it takes my breath away with every glance.  I am in a state of appreciation today and wanted to share it.  Each person we meet is a teacher, a guide, a blessing along the path.  We have a choice to make and this quote is from Einstien “The most important decision you will ever make in your life is do I live in a loving and supportive environment/world OR do I live in a violent hostile environment/world?”
Our world and our experiences is all based on the way we live and the energy that we vibrate in.  If we are living in survival emotions of fear, anger, competition, frustration then we will attract events, people, and situations that support our beliefs of this way of life.  If we are living in a state of love, compassion, understanding, support, and trust we then attract events that are in alignment with our beliefs and vibration.

WOW!  How much could I have benefited to have known this information when I was younger?  TONS!  Oh well, not wanting to reflect back to the coulda, woulda, shoulda, however, I do feel very inspired to share with others this simple wisdom.  I feel that all wisdom is very simple, however, it is very human of us to complicate things.  When something happens in our world, it is easy to point a finger and put the blame outside of our self and want to protect our personality (our ego) that we have been working on building up our whole entire life.   

The only thing that is constant in life is change.  We can resist it or we can learn to allow it and flow with the lessons as they come.  I am in a current state of appreciation for everything that I have in my life.  I may not have large amounts of financial wealth, I may not have a home in the nice neighborhood that I once had, and I do not have a “lover”, but what I am blessed with is the understanding and profound appreciation for my life and all of the experiences.  I am appreciative of the painful experiences as well as the joyful experiences.  They are all a part of my evolution, my energy shift, and my contribution to improve the planet by loving myself first and foremost before anything else.

Allow yourself to observe your state today:  Are you in a state of competition? A state of lack? A state of scarcity?  or Are you in a state of Gratitude?  Are you in a state of Abundance?  Are you in a state of Understanding?

The key is to not judge, condemn, or put guilt on yourself for where you are.  Start to understand what is the root of this survival emotion and then and only then - after you are aware of your current state of energy can you send out the desire/request to elevate your energy higher to a wonderful state of appreciation.  In this place, the universe will offer you more and more to be appreciative of.  


Books, Fall colors, and the "B" word


Craving and Wanting