Sleep makes everything better
I am so happy to say that my first week of living without a home is over. This past week was very rough on me and looking back, I feel that I understand why. I was exhausted!! Sleep is one of my super duper health secrets, sleep makes everything in life make sense and when preparing my house for the move, I feel I was dealing with more stress and worry than a realized. Throughout my adult life, I have moved more times than I like to remember. I feel that when we are used to dealing with lots of amounts of stress we tend to brush it off as normal. Heck, the last move I did in the Navy was a cross country move and during this move I was not only selling a house in Florida, I was also buying a home in Washington and at the exact same time all of this was happening, I was preparing for a 7 month deployment and doing my best to be mentally and emotionally prepared for that. Needless to say, I had a little bit of an anxiety attack when I reached the West Coast. I had been doing everything on my own on the East coast and I made time to visit my family and give them my love and attention - but underneath the surface I was really struggling with handling all of the different aspects of that time in my life. My boyfriend and the time was extremely supportive and flew to meet me in Nevada for the remainder of the trip, but as soon as I had his support, I guess I felt it was safe to break down. My anxiety attack was so intense I was vomiting and also "accidentally" using the bathroom on myself at the same time I was vomiting. I remember it well.......we were in the beautiful town of Monterey, California taking a walk on the coastal part of town looking out at the beautiful ocean and listening to the seals sing their songs & I was a vomiting, pee & poop WRECK.
Ok, so these days in my life I am not dealing with half of the stress that I normally handled while serving in the Navy. I vow to myself that I will make my health and well being a priority before I worry about anything else. What I noticed during this past few weeks is that my sleep was not as long and deep due the underlying thoughts & feelings & to-do's for the move out. When I don't get good sleep, I feel like a completely different person. This past week, I wasn't as discipline with my evening and morning meditations and I am ready to get back to my healthy habits of morning and evening meditation. Last night I did my evening meditation right before bed and I slept deeply. I was asleep before 9:30pm and I naturally woke up right before my alarm went off at 6:30am.
This morning when I woke up it was 48 degrees outside and clear beautiful blue skies, the moon was still high in the sky first thing this morning. I absolutely love sleeping in my camper, I feel so cozy and happy when I resting in there. My camper has a stargazer window above where I lay my head at night and when it is not cloudy and I am in a dark area I can look at the fascinating stars before I fall asleep, I love the feeling of looking at the sky that way. I love the way I feel more connected to nature, however, as it gets colder and wetter, my attitude my change. My journey living this way is to mainly observe and explore how I can adapt and evolve when facing new challenges in life. Who knows what the discomfort of living this way will bring, but I am excited to learn more about myself during this process.
I enjoyed teaching two yoga classes at the studio yesterday and I am excited and inspired to continue teaching while I am living here. Today is Sunday and I start my regular teaching schedule at the studio - I am teaching on Sunday and Monday evenings in September. After taking five solid months off from teaching, I have been able to get in touch with my inspiration for teaching and remember why I started teaching in the first place. Yoga had such a powerful impact on my life, and still continues to do so. I am grateful that I was able to have the experiences that I have had in the past and continue to have with yoga. I want to continue to be humble and loving as I share the practice with anyone who is ready.
Today's post is all over the place, but I guess my writing is a good way for me to see what is really on my mind. I am certain that sleep is my #1 need over anything else and when I get really good rest, life just sorta works out from there and I can live life with better quality.