Following my Instincts
Photo: A lovely sign and papaya tree you see as you are leaving the retreat center. Big Island 2019
From High Speed to Island Time
Photo: A local lady was selling fresh coconuts, North Shore, Oahu 2019
My demons........
Photo: Hydroponically grown lettuce, Kahuku Farms, North Shore Oahu 2019
Here we go.........
Photo: Beautiful flowers from the tree above in front of the local coffee shop, Kailua HI 2019
How did I stumble upon this Hawaii thing?
Photo: The bag I am packing to live out of for three months. February 2019
In Order to Change…
Photo: Winter storm of February 2019 - I had shoved around my car a few times before this photo was taken..
Precious Moments
Photo: Smiles while watching friends surf Rocky Point, North Shore Oahu 2019